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Social media let you use the Web to interact with others. This could be through social networking sites like Facebook or MySpace, where you can visit with friends and acquaintances.
Or it could be through social bookmarking services, like StumbleUpon, Yahoo! Buzz and Delicious, where you bookmark Web pages you like and share them with other users of the same service.
Social media also let you tailor the Web to suit the way you prefer to use it. Some of the ways you can tailor it include...
These buttons let you easily share the Web page you just read on by adding it to your favorite social media tool. How? Simply click on its button on the page. There's nothing to download or install.
If you're not yet using any of these social media options, you can set up one after clicking on its button. Once your account is up and running, you'll be able to share the Web page with friends and family, or save it for later reading.
Of course, you're not limited to the buttons you see here. You can use any of these popular social media, or add a Web page from to the service you already use.
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